Set to 106 to 108 degrees full lift #1 inlet. Tappet 0.015" inlet/exhaust.
Set to 101 full lift #1 inlet. Tappets 0.016 inlet/exhaust.
99% of camshaft failures occur from dirty assembly. Make sure your block is clean in all oil ways. Thoroughly wash the camshaft and followers with cleaning fluid as the products are protected with anti-rust coating.
Check you camshaft bearings are in good condition, or re-new them.
Always prime oil pump with new oil before fitting.
Swiftune double valve spring fitted length for road is 1.380"
Swiftune double valve spring fitted length for for race 1.400"
Note : A+ timing cases will need the small dent knocking out the breather shield cutting and knocking flat when fitting Duplex set. l’enfoncement du carter si vous installez une distribution double.